Emergence is a fundamental concept in complexity theory and the study of Complex Adaptive Systems (CAS). It refers to the phenomenon where a system exhibits properties, behaviours, or patterns that are not evident from the individual components or agents that make up the system. In essence, emergent phenomena are greater than the sum of their parts.

Key Features of Emergence

Holistic Behaviour

  • Emergence occurs when collective behaviour arises from the interaction of simpler components or agents. The emergent properties cannot be fully understood or predicted by analysing the individual parts in isolation.
  • Example: A school of fish appears to move as a single, coordinated entity, though each fish is acting based on local rules (e.g., avoiding predators, staying close to neighbours).


  • Emergent phenomena are often unpredictable based on knowledge of the system’s individual parts. Small, local interactions can lead to large-scale, surprising outcomes. These outcomes can be nonlinear, where cause and effect are not proportional.
  • Example: In human society, crowd behaviour or market trends can emerge in ways that are not predictable by analysing the actions of individual people or investors alone.

Simple Rules, Complex Outcomes

  • Complex, emergent behaviour can arise from agents following simple, local rules without any central control. This is a key aspect of self-organisation, where a higher level of order or pattern emerges without a guiding hand.
  • Example: Ant colonies exhibit complex foraging behaviour, but each ant follows simple rules based on pheromone trails, resulting in an efficient system of food collection.

Multi-Level Organization

  • Emergence often involves the formation of hierarchies or multi-level structures. Lower-level components give rise to higher-level patterns that can further influence or constrain the behavior of the lower levels, creating feedback loops between levels.
  • Example: In biology, molecules form cells, cells form tissues, and tissues form organs, with each level exhibiting new properties and functions that arise from the interactions at the lower levels.

Decentralisation and Local Interactions

  • Emergence typically occurs in decentralised systems, where there is no overarching authority directing the behaviour of agents. Instead, local interactions between agents give rise to global order or patterns.
  • Example: The Internet operates as a decentralised system where information flows and network dynamics emerge from the local actions of millions of users and nodes.

Types of Emergence

Weak Emergence

  • Weak emergence occurs when the emergent properties can, in principle, be explained by the interactions of lower-level components, even if it is difficult to do so. The emergent phenomena are traceable back to the micro-level behaviours.
  • Example: Traffic jams are an example of weak emergence. They arise from the local decisions of individual drivers, but with sufficient data and modeling, we can trace the cause of the jam back to these interactions.

Strong Emergence

  • Strong emergence suggests that the emergent properties are irreducible and cannot be predicted or fully explained by understanding the lower-level components, even in principle. This type of emergence is more controversial in scientific discussions.
  • Example: Some philosophers argue that human consciousness might be an example of strong emergence, where the whole (the mind) exhibits properties that are not reducible to the behaviour of neurons and synapses alone.

Emergence Across Domains


  • Cellular Organisation: In biological systems, cells interact to form tissues and organs, each of which has properties that cannot be predicted by studying individual cells. The human brain, composed of billions of neurons, gives rise to consciousness and cognitive abilities, which are emergent properties.
  • Ecosystems: The complex interactions between species in an ecosystem, such as predator-prey dynamics and competition for resources, lead to emergent behaviours like population cycles and biodiversity.


  • Market Dynamics: Financial markets exhibit emergent properties such as booms and busts, which result from the interactions of individual traders and investors. These emergent phenomena cannot be easily predicted from the behaviour of any one market participant.
  • Supply Chains: The global supply chain is a complex system where the interactions between companies, logistics providers, and consumers lead to emergent patterns of production, distribution, and consumption.

Social Sciences

  • Social Networks: Social networks exhibit emergent behaviors like the spread of information, influence, and trends. For example, viral content on social media emerges from the collective interactions of users sharing and engaging with content.
  • Cities and Urbanisation: The development of cities involves emergent patterns of population density, economic activity, and traffic flows, all of which arise from the local interactions of individuals, businesses, and infrastructure.

Artificial Intelligence

  • Machine Learning Models: AI systems, particularly in deep learning, can exhibit emergent behaviours. For example, neural networks, after training on large datasets, can “learn” to recognise patterns (such as faces or objects) without explicit instructions. This learning emerges from the interactions of neurons in the network.
  • Swarm Robotics: Swarm intelligence systems, inspired by natural systems like ant colonies, involve robots or agents following simple rules. The collective behaviour that emerges, such as coordinated movement or problem-solving, is an emergent property of the system.

Theoretical Perspectives

Bottom-Up Approach

  • Emergence is typically studied from a bottom-up perspective, where researchers focus on how interactions at a micro-level (e.g., individual agents or components) give rise to macro-level phenomena. This approach is central to agent-based modelling and network theory.
  • Example: In economics, agent-based models simulate the interactions of individual consumers and firms to explore how economic phenomena like market equilibrium or crashes emerge.

Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos Theory

  • Emergence is closely linked to nonlinear dynamics and chaos theory, where small changes in initial conditions can lead to dramatically different outcomes. These systems are often sensitive to feedback loops, where emergent properties feed back into the system to influence future behaviours.
  • Example: Weather systems are an example of nonlinear, emergent systems, where local temperature, wind, and pressure interactions lead to the emergence of large-scale weather patterns, such as storms.

Importance of Understanding Emergence

Predicting Complex Behaviours

  • Understanding emergent phenomena is crucial for predicting and managing complex systems. While the behaviour of individual agents may be understood, the system as a whole can behave in unexpected ways due to emergent properties.
  • Example: Policymakers use models of emergent behaviour to understand the spread of diseases, the dynamics of financial markets, or the effects of urban planning decisions.

Designing Adaptive Systems

  • In fields like technology, business, and management, designing systems that leverage emergence allows for more resilient and adaptive behaviour. By encouraging decentralised decision-making and local interactions, organisations can foster innovation and adaptability.
  • Example: Companies that adopt agile methodologies in project management leverage emergent collaboration and innovation from small, autonomous teams rather than relying on top-down control.